If and that is a big if I have time on Wednesday I will drive up the street and talk to Tim about the Blocks, if he is there at his house. I do not know if it is any ones Business but the people that ordered a block from KB and paid for them and have not received them, so if I ask Tim about it he might say that it was before his time or maybe even Tim had money down on blocks and did not get any and that is why he stepped up just like others could of and other did. I believe a lot of the manufacturing processes are being modernized and this might be why there are delays now.

Glad to see Ray Barton has given his OK to the new KB BLock. He is a Dealer and I believe Tim asked him to be one and why would Tim not do that. There all in this to build motors and getting blocks was one big problem and like it was said by RBREs maybe Chrysler needs to step up with a good cast iron replacement block or better for Street and Super Stock Racers.