Originally Posted By Guitar Jones
Originally Posted By Monte_Smith
Originally Posted By Spaceman Spiff
Originally Posted By Monte_Smith
Guess I forgot everyone here is perfect, never done anything wrong, nor made a mistake......my bad!!!

So, when you do that to a customers car... What do you tell them?
"I always put plugs in the carb/throttle body, oopsie, sorry about your engine.
I'd like to get paid now."
I wouldn't know, because I have never left a plug in a carb or throttle body and sucked it through the motor

I LOVE this site. We have "World Class" haters here, no amateurs. Some of you guys need to go over to Yellow Bullet and join in. I think you could hold your own.......LOL!!!! Wow

Guy hurts his motor, makes a stupid mistake and some here just go on and on and on and on about it. And then jump on the ones trying to steer it another way. Gee, can't imagine why lots of people no longer post here..........see above paragraph in case you are not clear why.

Look Monte, you're a smart guy with a lot of knowledge, not disputing that and a lot of guys look up to you and that is fine too. So when you say stuff like "That's the way we do it..." other guys may think it's ok for them to do it too. You were defending the practice. All I'm trying to do is point out that it is not a "best practices" way of doing it. Maybe you could just agree with that and be done with it. I'm not a hater but not a fanboy either. I hate seeing anyone suffer that kind of hit so I was just trying to save someone else the misery.
But if you look, I never defended it, I just said that was the way most nitrous racers had always done it. Some were asking "how could he be so stupid". Doubt many would think it's stupid to put plugs in boosters and it's done all the time. They are easy to see and they can't fall in. The point was, if you have ALWAYS done it like that and now you have this new EFI motor. You take the plugs out and think, "no booster, where do I put them" so you lay them in the throttle body. You think maybe you should build a rack, but then you also think you will never forget one.............And lets also remember, James is NOT the one who forgot about the plugs, it was new help. Had HE seen James do that? probably. I am sure we ALL do things we wouldn't actually suggest others do. So why do WE do it......because we always have, it's part of our routine and has never caused an issue. So before you laugh at others, call them stupid, whatever, think about routine things that maybe YOU do that others would think are stupid