Originally Posted By a493demon
I for sure don't have the budget to go really fast but with what I have I should be able to go 5 teens .
My issue is i'm trying to learn this on my own with some help from my KOS friends ,
But the NOS side of it I have never picked up more the 2 tenths .
At this time I have a "200" jets in the fogger and have never used the 2nd stage .
But on my budget I can't afford to send it out and drop 500 to 1000 bucks if not more to have it flowed .
The plan is to creep up on a 5 to 600 shot but we will see .
The thing about help, is that to get it, you have to ASK for it. Nobody is just going to walk up and volunteer to straighten your program out. Plus you have to ask the right people.

I mentioned earlier that I get $1000 a day for a private test session and that's true.........BUT, I go to a bunch of races every year. Holley pays me to be at these races. So that said, if you are where I am at, to get help all you have to do is ask. Everyone knows I will be at Hendersons trailer if he is there. So there is a constant stream of guys coming by asking for help, advice, look at plugs, look at their car, whatever. I am NOT paid to tune Chad's car by either him or Holley. That's just where I happen to be and everyone knows it. Holley pays me to help anyone I can and Chad happens to be one of those. At a big race like Duck's, I might be tuning 20 cars and it costs nothing but the time to come ask. At the last SGMP race, in addition to me, there were 5 other guys from Holley there. I am at Drag Week every year. Holley also rents Bowling Green about 3 times a season for the same purpose. I am there along with other EFI techs and we help customers......for free. Can't get to the track? Use the phone. I help way more guys over the phone than I do in person. Again, Holley pays me to do this. At the PRI show, I will talk to hundreds of guys. OK, can't get to a race, can't get what you need over the phone and a private deal is all that's gonna help, yep, it's gonna cost you a grand. Can't swing that? get 3 buddies. Can you swing $250?

Well I don't have a NOS kit, Holley EFI and haven't bought anything from Monte Smith Performance........so. I mentioned earlier that I tuned on the Farmtruck. He is the NX poster boy. He needed help, he asked me and James told him to come to the track and we got the truck lined out. Derrick has Induction Solutions kits and Haltech EFI. Steve doesn't do EFI and the Haltech guys were not available. Derrick asked, so I helped him out.

As hard as it may seem to understand, I LIKE to help guys make their crap run better. It's not only the money, I just like to do it. And the way I see it, the next time you or your buddies need something, well maybe they will call me. Don't like my straight forward, call it like I see it attitude and think I am a smart azz, well that's fine to, because I CAN be a smart azz.........BUT I will STILL help if you ask me and give you the best advice I can. Be prepared though. I don't like something you have, think your shocks are junk, or you are going about it all wrong.......I WILL tell you that. My track record is pretty good though and I generally get results if you will listen. My current biggest customer is an engine builder that I nearly came to blows with over a customer of his. I did the nitrous, he did the motor. He told the guy not to listen to me and do it HIS way. I strongly disagreed and told him so. Like I said, he is now my biggest customer and sends me EVERY intake off any nitrous motor he does.............All this may seem like bragging and maybe it is, but two things. Been doing this a LONG time and it's what I get PAID to do, I am supposed to be pretty good at it