Having raced heads up, bracket racing and index racing heads up racing provides the most adrenaline. Racing heads up with a Mopar provides the most debt lol. As far as Rhodes I have known him since the mid 90s he has had that car since. He has made thousands of passes in the car he has raced it all motor on radials NOS on radials he has data that would take anyone else a long time to get and the guy is pretty darn smart. If you can't build your own stuff or you make enough money to spend $30-40K per year to keep up I would suggest brackets or index racing. It is easy to say you can deal with being slower as long as your racing but if you are ultra competitive like me that will last about a year before the frustration gets to high. I raced heads up for 2 years was in a couple finals in the ram racing series and said heck with it. I spent 100K in 2 years and was still .20 slow and everyone else was getting faster. I spent 5k just on converters to test.

Last edited by biff426; 11/24/16 01:47 AM.