

The video states 9800 is that of the unstiffened chassis, equal to a modern day sedan. The stated goal was 15000, equal to a modern day sports car.

Video 3, 1:20-1:45

That sounds about right, it's a ton of raw data, and I'm not sure if the actual numbers were ever published...

Thanks for finding that....


are we talking torsional or beaming stiffness?

that piqued my interest so i asked the googles for a list for chassis stifness and found this one for torsional. Its in newton meters 9800ft/lbs*1.3558=13,286NM


if thats accurate, im somewhere between impressed and shocked with the E-body chassis

"so says the interwebs", it may be completely made up. IDK

Last edited by Trojmn; 03/23/15 03:01 AM.