
I understand that its easy to get feelings hurt, but we are supposed to be grown ups, nobody is perfect, everything can be made better, and if iI don't make a critical comment, some else or your competitor will, and good engineering design is not arm chair engineering, and most manufacturers leave because they find it easier to close their ears then open their eyes. Yes, this is a tough crowd, and running off any manufacturer helps no one, and is never mine nor I suspect anyone else'e intent. Making a better product is. In my case my suggestions require very little effort to implement other then maybe eating at the absolute worst case a little crow and agreeing a slight change makes for an improvement. I don't see the problem. Wanting all glory and no heat for a product is not realistic. We want you to succeed, if you are listening.

Yes, but some don't act like grown up. And just want to rudely impolitely nit pick and over scrutinize any ideas that are not their own.

And refuse to believe there are possibly two ways to get to the same place (maybe even three?).