Seen a multitude of shock questions of late. Shocks are one of THE MOST important, yet most overlooked things on many cars. Guys spend tens of thousands of dollars on power and "cool guy" suspension parts and then put $39 shocks on their cars and wonder why it won't work.

I always say, buy as GOOD of a shock as you can afford. Well, if all you can afford is $39 shocks, maybe you should wait a while.

Here is a quick test to see it your front shocks pass the mustard and this could range from a 7 sec car, to a 12 sec car..........Put a floor jack under your car and if adjustable, put your front shocks on "full stiff".........Now jack it up as quick as you can. If the front tire stays on the ground as you jack it up quick...your shocks are JUNK.
