
when i look at the valvetrain during mockup and say to myself "that is unacceptable".

i bracket race i do not run comp, prostock or nascar. if an engine produces the horsepower i need/expect and does not experience failures or abnormal wear i am satisfied. i am not ashamed of the longevity or performance of the engines i've had my hands in. i'm no smokey yunick but i've either been very lucky or the things i do work for me.

i don't mean to disrespect you or your efforts but i've said it before and i'll say it again. unless i see something i don't like i'm not going to get all in a lather about valvetrain geometry. personally i think this subject gets beat to death and by far the vast majority of engine failures or poor performance i've seen are not a result of imperfect valvetrain geometry. i'm not saying it doesn't matter i'm saying when it comes to the bulk of the common engine builds there is a point when (for me) efforts are better spent elsewhere.

i currently have a 622" all aluminum 600-13 in the shop that was gone through by a builder that has (and i can assure you of this) built more and faster engines than you and i combined ever will. i'm not going to post the name or the things i found wrong but i will say that there are many other things people overlook or do poorly that cause more problems then imperfect valvetrain geometry

you do what works for you and i'll continue doing what has worked for me

Ahhh, using the old eye-crometer. I hope you don't use that to check bearing clearances.

Seriously though, aren't opinions great? They are yours alone, no one can take them from you, and you are entitled to them.

I would suggest that having a large checkbook does not a great engine make. It's the attention to quality and details that make the best engines. Your example is perfect. A lot of high dollar parts thrown together by someone who didn't care enough to do it right.

Best of luck on all of your builds. I hope this discussion was at least informative for you, if not helpful.

Mike Beachel

I didn't write the rules of math nor create the laws of physics, I am just bound by them.