

Although I can only understand about 10% of the 20 different simulations going on here....I am shocked now after reading this that anyones engines even make it safely down the track three times.....I think we are being " theorized" to death on this one. In my world....there is idealology....and reality.....I often choose only one.....please carry on....

and for the record, I do realize what the OP was trying to do, unfortunately the presentation fell short. He was addressing an issue that can be a problem for sure. Now how you handle it, thats a different cat to skin.

My question would be, what is the IMMEDIATE catastrophic result of setting up a valvetrain with well known principles that work, with a realistic degree of engineering and geometry, that would be considered adequate?

agreed especially the last paragraph and was my basic point when i commented on another thread. does it make a difference, yes but unless something is out in left field there are bigger concerns. i've said it before personally i think people get carried away with the whole valve train geometry thing. unless it's completely wacked i would focus more effort on other aspects of the engine but that's just me

Ok guys, give me a number. How far off does it have to be before it is considered "wacked"? .010" .050" .100"? Where is left field?

Mike Beachel

I didn't write the rules of math nor create the laws of physics, I am just bound by them.