I have been reading this post and remembering the day in which my engine builder explained all the rocker geometry stuff to me. thats why I have not gotten into the mix of opinions that seem's to have gotten a little out of hand at times, seems like some feel the op has some ulterior motive here, I see it as he has a service to offer and it isn't free as there is no free lunch,,he may of come off as a little defensive but after being on this site for the time I have, you learn to be a little thick skinned,it also seems to me that anyone that gets on this site that knows anything ends up getting critiqued to death and some just decide to leave so not to deal with it,,,I don't blame the OP but his presentation may of been a little brash for some, the rest of us just overlook that trait and move on.

Light travels faster than the speed of sound,,,this is why some people seem bright untill you hear them speak.