
Quick comments:
1. OP seems to be mixing tech w/ marketing on what is supposed to be a tech-only forum. He should probably have posted under New Products.

2. I have no problems w/ his solution approach and have come up w/ similar fixes (band-aids?) for my own stuff, even if I don't agree 100% w/ his methodology.

3. I can't stand bolts for holding down aluminum heads rocker shafts and would look for quality studs long enough to work, instead.

4. I'd like to know if the poster who says he saw the OP at Carlisle recalls the $$$ for the kits? It bothers me that no prices have been mentioned, but that ties back to point #1 on where IMO this should have been posted... with prices.


On his craigslist adds he doesn't give any price info either.

I am not out to stalk this guy, so don't take it that way, Brad said it better than I could. Mixing sales and Tech. There are other areas to do that.

It just feels like a forsale add with no prices to me. That in itself annoys most anybody that is on a budget. Lots of people here are polishing their trophies and such as been said, without have this option.