

Why all the negativity and name calling. If you disagree with the information just say why and I will figure out the world isn't flat.

It's the attitude B3RE has taken in his answers. He may well have a good product and it may take care of some valve train issues. I'd try a different approach though .

My post would have been a lot different if the op would of not put me on front street like a bad kid in a class room to be made example of. My eyes and ears are open, but as I said. I have a hard time trying to get any words out that I see in my mind and hands on. Alos, I don't let people back me in a corner. Never have. When I have info to share.... I share it. Without trying to belittle whom I am talking to. So it is what it is. This isnt a classroom, it's the race section on a very large site. We share information, give tips, fellowship, and just participate in the upcoming events. Other vendors or sales people usually get moved to a different forum.