
I think the formula is his and he wants to keep it that way. Who can blame him? Sounds like he wants your measurements when and if you call him so he can use his formula to either have a solution or tell you your junk isnt to far off to worry about. I understand where everyone is coming from but I also dont like to see a guy who may possibly know his s$%t get thrown under the bus over a picture of a measurement. Education isnt free here in America last I checked. I for one an open arms for this stuff since it can very well address a problem ALOT of Mopar guys didnt even know they had, me included. But when you piss a guy off, over trivial BS and hes gone, hes gone. OK guys back to posting your trophies and dyno results of your bracket engines.

Very well said!

Yes, the OP is trying to sell his product but that in itself is "help". As for his "secret formula", why should he post it? He's protecting himself, how many businesses do you know that give away their formulas or manufacturing processes?

If the math is so simple then someone else should be able to figure it out and post it. And why isn't someone else making these parts? Hmmm, maybe its not so simple after all!

FWIW I have actually seen his product first hand (he was at Carlisle in July) and its not just a set of shims to move the shafts up or down, they also move the shafts laterally (which as far as I could tell also required work on the shafts). I thought he had an excellent product and the price was reasonable.