After some further inspection, the valve guides are not all that tight afterall. every one of the left bank is loose enough to fall though from their own weight. the #6 exhaust was tight, but after pushing it all the way in, and then back out, it's now loose enough to "fall through" I'm going to go back and double check the #2 exhaust to see if it's the same way, if maybe there's a speck of dirt or something thats making it a little snug.

so right now, 7 of the 8 valves on the even cylinders are loose enough to fall through the guide from their own weight.

here's how the pushrods look--the only sign of rubbing anywhere is on the guideplates that are secured by the studs that hold the rocker arms.

Still have the left/odd bank to go down...

**Photobucket sucks**