Would love to try my 340 with FI going up Pikes Peak. I have had my 1405 equiped 340 up it twice now. It's a challenge for a carbed car to do it I think? I don't think my car would make it, if it was tuned for at home which is about 800 feet.
At the top I don't think my 340 would do a burnout in the gravel? It sounds like a motor boat and when you give it more gas it don't do much. At the top when I go to start it, the motor spins almost twice as fast. The first time I thought someone stole my spark plugs it was spinning so fast,then it fires. The air is really thin at the top.

Todays cars with FI I think adjusts on the way up and people take it for granted that the vehicle will make it. I've proved that I can adjust for different conditions now with a carb, give me FI. 32 degrees this day.

90-95 degrees this day, the top of Pike's Peak 14000+ feet.