Something to consider as far as why to use a stock system vs aftermarket... OE software is designed to be trouble free but if something does go wrong there is self check diagnostics built in & the ability to store fault codes... None of the aftermarket systems I'm aware of have this.. Why Not???? I installed a Holley Projection kit 15 years ago because it at the time was getting great reviews in the magazines.. I'd been making a living repairing EFI & other high tech electronic stuff for Ford since 84 so it's not like I was over my head.. Well from initial startup there were two bad components, I got that fixed drove the car, got the tuning worked out & had an intermittent issue, but since the only time you could see it was with the laptop hooked up & the car acting up & those two things never seemed to occur at the same time it took awhile to fix the car.... What it came down to is the idea of fuel injection is great, Holley's execution was terrible, they sourced the cheapest components they could find with no regard for the reliability of the system... And with no built in diagnostics it compounds the problem... Looking back in a way Holley was smart, they poisoned lots of hotrodders to the idea of fuel injection assuring the sale of carburetors for many years to come.... I know there are lots of well made aftermarket EFI controllers, they have improved dramatically but if your combo is mild enough to use an OE PCM that's the route I'd take...

"The Armies of our ancestors were lucky, in that they were not trailed by a second army of pencil pushers."