I guess I'm going to have to start this debate off right. Stop reading now if you're offended easily. I know all the politically correct, self appointed heros and watchdogs of the clones are going to get upset. Too bad, here goes....

A12 Lift Off Hood REUNION.

Reunion implies that the participants were at one time together-- as In being produced mid 69 at Lynch Road. If we are going to open this up to everybody with a hood, it isn't really a reunion. So let's just call it what it is... a 'glas hood get together'.

This is getting to be like 'outcome based education' LOL...that's where everyone graduates because they 'tried'. What a joke. Don't get me started... It wasn't always like this...I have a 9th grade education from the 60s. Dropped out and went to work. Every job form asked what grade was graduated and putting down 9th wasn't the same as 12th....know what?...I now consider those 9 years the equivalent of a full college education today. Everything is watered down now and passes for what it isn't. Don't get me started....If we water down this REUNION we are no less guilty of the politically correct kissy kissy, make it nice for everyone because they 'tried' pap being spoon fed to the masses like Jim Jones kool aid.

No we don't live in a communistic society YET....so let's not pretend we, or all cars with glas hoods are the same. I'm simply saying what everybody knows is true.

And please don't play the poor indignant 'little guy' card on this one. You know the one which implies only an elitist would say such harsh things. It's almost as sickening as Johnny Cochran's race card.

What I say has nothing to do with prejudice, oneupsmanship, or pride. I'm NOT saying that A12 cars are 'better'. In fact I consider some clones MUCH NICER than A12s in quality and workmanship. Some are incredibly and magnificently done. Definite magazine material...BUT they are NOT the cars that were put together in mid 69 on Lynch Road with an A12 in their VIN.

I suggest we have an A12 clone section...yes, there I said it...let's keep them separated but right next to the pack. Isn't that cruel of me. LOL. Fire away-I can take it.

I hope this helps get us off to a lively debate. Please don't hesitate to weigh in with your thoughts.


Link to Slideshow...turn the music up. http://albums.phanfare.com/isolated/F39VvCq5/1/1491997 ...So when does government's A12 welfare start?..