Frank, Gary...

You guys are doing a fantastic job. My thanks go out to you and all the excellent work you've taken on. I've been holding back on posting about this to see who else might step forward. At this point I guess it's time to just move on. I'm sure more guys will join in as the time approaches.

Frank, anything new on 'Project Six Pack' (P6P)? Is there any info yet on whether or not Mr. Struse plans on attending? If he's interested we as a group need to start crunching cost numbers on the trailering of his car. If he's not coming then lets know that too.


As Gary stated it's time to get momentum working in our favor. If we can lock up the attractions like Hoover, Sox 'P6P' and perhaps a few others we can garner interest in the mopar community. From there it'll be easier to entice A12 owners who are fence sitting on trailering.

Specifics on the attractions?...

Mr. Sox and Mr. Hoover could:
sign cars
sign pictures
pose for pictures
be interviewed on the video.
the Sox interview might be about the Cecil County run and their 6 pack clinic car
the Hoover interview might be about the 6 pack conception and the hood design.

I was also wondering if we could extend a special invitation to John Grinwald and Rich Berlisk...after all these guys should be considered pioneers in the field of A12 restoration. Along those lines Roger Gibson and Frank Badalson could also be asked to attend. I wouldn't mind having all that knowledge and insight on tap to check out our cars and answer restoration questions.

I have been in contact with Hemmings and others on ad rates, but it'd be foolish to place ads before knowing exactly who/what the attractions actually are. If we can get all of the above we'd really have a venue to promote and entice those previously mentioned fence sitters.

I'll contact Berlisk and Grinwald. I'm pretty sure I can reach them through Randy. I'm almost sure Gibson and Badalson will be attending Carlisle so we'd just have to extend a special invitation to them to spend a specific time with us. Anyone want to give them a call?

Let's try to get the headliners and attractions locked up ASAP so we can get into the actual promoting of the Re-Union via ads and articles by the end of the month.

The current log jam as I see it is the lack of clarity regarding who's actually going to be there. Without knowing the attractions we cannot advance plan anything, or go to the mopar public and announce the event in detail.



Link to Slideshow...turn the music up. ...So when does government's A12 welfare start?..