

If fuel cost is not a concern, stick with gas. If alky picks up a combo with a carb, 3 to 4 tenths, the set up was not even close to right.


I agree with the above statement, but there are still advantages to going alky for those that run in alot of heat and it will be more consistant from round to round when there is limited cool down time.

Not really. A gas car can run just as cool as an alky car, most just don't do it. We don't even run a radiator in our drag radial car. We tow to the lanes, fire the car at 100*, burnout and pass, the car is 120-130 at the stripe. Now if a car with no radiator or water pump, only makes 20* on a run, you know one with a cooling system can. If you run the car at the same temp every run, it WILL be consistent, does not matter if that temp is 100 or 200. If you don't let it make a lot of heat during the run, a chiller will have it back to ice cold in a matter of minutes.

I personally would rather have the gas and the chiller any day, as fool with the aggravation of the alky, but thats just me.

Now I realize you don't want to tow a bracket car to and from the lanes, but you don't have to either. If you chill it and drive it to the lanes, it won't get hot and a proper cooling system will have it cooling down, while driving back
