
Not to argue with your advice Ryan but if I had to pay for M! or M5 I seriously doubt I'd run alky. One of the best things about Alky is that it's cheap! Many racers including me feel the VP meth is just a marketing ploy and money grab and do not buy it.

What does M5 cost? I have only bought M1 for my turbo's metahnol injection system. I think it was $6 a gallon, which I thought was a but steep since we run the cheap stuff normally @ around $3.75 a gallon, but I was standing there @ the VP dealer getting my C16 & said throw in 5 gallons of M1.

So I guess I'd try The cheap $3 meth VS the M5 on dyno & find out if it's really worth it or not. I just like to see tangible results...

I'm gonna try a Q16 against C16 on a 17:1 motor here in a month or 2 just to see if it is worth the added expense & hassle.

I don't know what Brian is running in the motor now gas wise, but @ over 16:1 I'm sure it is'nt cheap stuff..... So I don't think fuel cost savings is really any huge factor for him @ least on this particular application.