
Some on this thread have said the dealership stamped warranty blocks.
I've been to over 100 dealerships over the years from 1975 into the 90's... in their stockrooms, upstairs, downstairs... all over.
A couple members here have been to more dealerships than me I'm sure.
In my travels I've yet to stumble onto anything that resembles any stamps in dealership inventory.
There is no part number that exists for such, so where did they come from.
Was there a bulletin telling the dealerships told to go to Napa or somewhere and buy stamps if needed.
Perhaps they were kept in the vault.

Actually number and letter stamp sets are pretty common and I know many machanics and machine shop guys that have their own personal sets in their tool chests or tool boxes. We have four sets here alone at work and even a pneumatic engraver for motorcycle frames so I don't see why a dealerships service department wouldn't have a set or access to a set if it was required by State law to I.D. stamp something if replaced? Complete sets are only $60 - $200 on average so it's not out of reach for a good professional service shop IMO.

I know first hand that in California if for instance a replaced motorcycle engine is not stamped with the original engine number that is on the title the entire motorcycle is conficated and considered stolen even on a dirt bike. I had to explain this to a CHP officer that sometimes dirt bike engine cases are damaged beyond repair and replaced with even a used set but this didn't matter and it didn't match the title and what made it worse the kid that owned it was the nephew of a Sheriff he knew. So if it is required to restamp a replaced engine in a State then it better be done.

Individual or complete sets not too costly......