
The lettering is also slanted to the right about 15 degrees. With the type of stamping jig used on the assembly line, that would have been impossible.

That's what I was thinking. You could have a vertically mis-aligned digit, but not the entire VIN slanted like that if they were using a jig of some kind. And the fact that the pad is deeper than usual supports the argument that it was shaved.

Not to mention, it would be safe to assume that there would be a boatload of cars around with VIN #'s with the same slant as the VIN on that block, and I don't recall ever seeing one like that. Its highly unlikely that the line worker stamped that single VIN and went "Oh - its crooked, I better fix the jig" before he did the next car.

Last edited by Gusteve; 06/10/09 08:55 AM.