As Dave says, define what you want the car to be and do; meaning, do you want to return it to a nice driver, upgrade the handling, or restore the car to correct/original finishes? The last can get expensive and requires maintaining the bare-metal surfaces, as well as duplicating some of the dipped finishes and the cosmoline, which is a waxy substance that results in a goldish color. Cosmoline's been used since at least WW2 to protect bare metal from rusting for awhile.
You can pretty much duplicate the various finishes with rattle-can paint. The parts themselves will tell you what finish they originally have after cleaning them. Also note any colors marked on the parts, which are inspection or in some cases ID marks. It'll be basically a forensic research as you disassemble the car & clean the parts.
Fasteners also had different finishes, which you can either duplicate by replating or just clean them and maybe paint for the black ones.
Upper control arms will be either black or bare metal depending on supplier. Most all of the black is a satin finish, except torsion bars which were fairly shiny & full of runs as they were dipped.
There are lots of reference photos around, and Mopar Action magazine is a good source (paper or online) for reference & accuracy.