Hello Sir,

Thank you for your reply. I guess that is why I could not find that company in a Google search since I did not have the name right. I could have swore he said Yer Done though. Oh well. They sound close so I probably misunderstood him.

What is this cosmoline paint ? Is that a special kind of paint ? Can I get that at Walmart or Home Depot? Also, by bare do you mean a dull gray or a shiny gray or silver? (sorry, this is a lot to take in right now)

There is a local Mopar club up around here but it seems to be mostly new Mopars and they kind of have a stuck up attitude so I doubt I'll join them. I remember my grand pop telling me about something with A12. That was a racing package or handling package right?

I'd love to try and post some pics however, all I have is my older style flip cell phone that was my Dad's old one. It still works so we see no reason to get rid of it. The camera isn't the biggest or best quality and I really don't know how to upload the picture to get it on here from my cell phone.

inherited a 69 roadrunner from my grand pop.