Originally Posted By Monte_Smith
Originally Posted By 72Swinger
I really hope he makes a speedy recovery. Honestly though was ANYTHING in that thing bolted down? I wouldnt want a bucket of bolts like that next to me in a race, I hope ALL them boys learn from this, I can see a seat breaking but not breaking away from the f&****g car, and that seat belt tab AND the nitrous bottle projectile was unacceptable.
You don't know what you are talking about. Just because you have welded up a few bars in some cars, don't mean squat. That was a VERY violent barrel roll. Things break loose in those instances. Happens all the time. The cage held up, THAT is what counts. Nitrous bottle mounts are NOT built like a tank. They are generally light and minimal. I have seen bottles come out of Pro-Nitrous cars, built by Bickel, Haas and others. Also seats in most of these cars are held in with Dzus fasteners, because you want the belts to hold the seat and driver in place. Guess you wouldn't ride in one of those "bucket of bolts" either. Unfortunate situation and has me looking at "wrap around" belts for our car, as pulling a single tab out of a piece of chromoly can happen in a serious crash......as seen here.

I don't think that I have ever disagreed with you, Monte, but I saw some things that should not have happened in an 80 MPH barrel roll. If he was running through the lights at 240 then all bets are off but crashing after 1 second full throttle and having safety equipment fail like that would be unacceptable for me.