
Ron Sutton has a few really informative discussions on ProTouring.com about front suspension setup. His thoughts are primarily from years and years of setting up everything from a 1/4 midget to NASCAR to LeMans. Keeping the tires as flat as possible with the tarmac to achieve maximum grip possible. He has figured out that caster needs to be at least one degree more positive than the KPI/SAI measurement of the spindle you're using as a general base. I have roughly measured my 73+ A body spindles at 7.5*.

I guess i missed this post, great information...

BTW I'm Chris Reinhardt, the guy behind XV Racing Products....

I've done A LOT of race car and kart road racing setups....

The camber will vary with a lot of variables, tire side wall and composition, rim size and width, yadda, yadda yadda... There isn't any hard and fast number. One of the best ways we do it is by checking tire temps across the width of the tire, and pressure increase. Once you get the pressure equalized, then you look for even temps across the tire. Too hot on the inside, too much neg, too hot on the outside, too much pos... Pretty simple... Different tracks demand different amounts also... Lime Rock is a real good example... A fast car around Lime Rock is setup to turn right more so than the only left hander...