
Thank-you! Correcting or improving on the system that already existed is MUCH different, IMHO, than a system that in no way resembles the factory system. That's not to say that EITHER school of thought is wrong, but you don't always have to think outside the box for a radical improvement. And while subframe connectors may not have been an option from the factory, Mopar's own racing programs have been singing their praises for over 40 years...saw a 401 Gremlin once that was so twisted from high RPM clutch drops that the left front wheel no longer touched the ground...


same issue with the sub frame on 2001 maxima and why all the guys see notable improvement when using giant washers on sub frame bolts in liu of new rubber grommets.

Puts all the force on the suspension and NOT the body/unibody. when you hits bumps and corner hard.

Last edited by cdoublejj; 03/11/15 02:42 AM.