

Usually don't start it up to late but all the neighbor's are Amish so they couldn't call to b#*ch if they wanted to. As you can see in the pic my neighbors arn't that close.

Well one of two things here.

#1. If you think Amish DO NOT have phones, you have your head in the sand. Around here they have a "phone booth" at the end of the lane, or fence, or far enough away from the house that is it inconvenient to use. If they have a business at home, guess what, they have a phone in the shed they have said business in. Plus 95% or better walk around with cell phones anyway. Plus a computer.

#2. Your noise is drowning out the noise from their party....

My neighbors all go nuts over my car when I get it out. My next door neighbor says that it's music. His wife doesn't think so though. She tolerates it. The neighbor behind us loves the car. (Harley guy w/loud pipes.) The old man across the street (in his 80's) knows when I get the car out it is warm enough for him to get his old Farmall out and shine it up. His wife just shakes her head at both of us.

I try not to run it late at night, say after 7:30 - 8:00, unless I'm getting home from a trip to the drive-in.

I know that. What I should have said was they wouldn't call anyway. Jeesh don't be so critical.