I live on a "half circle" court with 5 homes present, the main road, and then another "half circle" court with 5 again on the other side of the road. Most of them have been living there for 10+ years, two families 20+ years. They figured out what was going on with my first car, a 74 Cutlass (highschool days) and my teenager mentality (I'm suuuurrrree you can figure out what I should NOT have been doing at age 16). But... never had anyone complain. Now in my 40's, at the same home, when I fire my Coronet up, they come over with beer and watch what I'm doing, asking questions as well. By the way, a cop lives next door who is very friendly and another one across the street.... he gives me the "look" every once in a while but realizes my car is tagged and insured plus I think his wife wont let him have any toys
