i used to live in a semi tight suburb in a 3 bedroom house by myself. i was the only resident without a dog, didn't need one as all the kids in the street would come n look at my car & talk to me & tell me who came n went & gave me the car plate #'s. i think i knew the kids better than their parents.
one sunday morning i'm loading the 'cuda on the trailer at 7am. 5600 stall converter, open headers was like the calling signal & all the kids would come n watch as i loaded up & tied the car down.
this one kid sez. "my dad thinks you're a d1ckhead!". wow really? "yeah he does, but i think you're cool". wow thats nice mate, thanks alot. "yeah, i wish you were my dad, you're way cooler than him". wow, thats nice mate, thanks alot. so whats your dad doing now? "probably mom", hmmm, conversation over, didn't need to know that.lol. funny thing was, if any neighbours car broke down, it was me they'd send their kid to to ask for help. one even jacked me up with his sister, ugggh.