I figured this conversation would be fitting for this thread...


Conversations in suburbia

Background: I live in a suburb of Sacramento called Roseville in a series of track houses that were built in the mid 80s. Ages range from early 30s to mid 50s. Lots of kids, dogs, a school down the street etc. I'm at the end of a cul-de-sac.

So Sunday morning I pull the Camaro out of the garage to stare at it and masturbate. (the cars does it for me) It's pretty loud and the F1 chirps pretty good. My neighbor (late 40s, 2 kids, mowing his grass with safety glasses on) walks through his manacured hedge to check it out. This conversation follows:

N-Morning Dave! Wow is this a '66? This thing is wicked!

Me- Hey Mike, nope it's a '67- the first year it was made. I'm glad you like it.

N-Aw sweet! So what's under the hood?

Me-(popping the hood) It's just got a small block Chevy with what's called a Procharger supercharger. This big polished guy compresses air into a cooler and then into the engine.

N-Just like a turbo. Yep

Me- (avoiding what will be an hour long conversation) ............Exactly.

N-Yeah, when I got the Saab I ordered the turbo on there. When you get that thing pointed where you wanna go and that turbo thing gets going..........(insert weird whistle sound) .........well let me just say-it's fast. These guys made jets you know.

Me-yep. yes they did.................awesome stuff man.

.............awkward silence...............

N- well I'll let you get to it. Gotta tame the bush over here!

Me-yeah I'm gonna try to get laid this weekend too.

N-(from probably 30 feet) Huh? what's that?

Me- Nothing man! Keep that Saab shiny side up buddy!

N-(ultra white guy thumbs up)

They say that every block has "that car guy on it". If you can't identify him, it's you.