At my old house in Rocklin - HOA suburbia track homes in a gated golf course community - everyone was pretty cool but I didn't abuse it either. Lots of cops and young families in the neighborhood. I used to fire the car to go on or off the trailer, or about once a month I would take a little neighbor boy around the block in it (private streets) as he loved the car and had been diagnosed with an inoperable heart condition and was already 2 years past his life expectancy - so he was on borrowed time.

One day I got a letter from the HOA telling me to cease and desist operations of my non-street legal vehicle in the neighborhood, that it was causing excessive noise, that I was illegally operating it on public streets, and that hot rods were not allowed in the neighborhood.

My response started wth "Dear Gestapo,"

The rest of my response included things like - these are private streets, I'll be sure to tell the little boy dying of a heart condition he can no longer go for a ride, make sure I don't see anymore quads or dirt bikes going up and down the street, please tell all of the other hot rodders they can't own a hot rod in the neighborhood, and provide me the name of the appropriate person in charge of this policy because I want to make sure I have the spelling correct for when I send this to SEMA's legal counsel. That was page 1.

Page 2 was a drawing of a middle finger with a hand written "Looking forward to seeing you in court".

Never heard from them again.