
I'm Lee

I have a Duster with an LRT K frame, been on the car since 2005. Have been working with LRT to get rid of the brake shake. Have tried several different things with limited sucess. The car gets raced alot, almost 200 passes last year. Was just asking what other guys did to eliminate the brake shake. I would like to keep the torsion bars, thats why I am trying to fix the LRT K-frame instead of buying another one.


Lee whats the back spacing on your wheels... I dont
know your front end but from testing and my own work
I have seen that if the wheel/tire centerline is out
past the centerline of the ball joint the braking
causes flex... the farther out it is the greater leverage
arm it has... it only shows up under braking but once
it starts it gets bad and it tears up parts