

my rms front end works flawless,spend the money with the right one,its something u cant skimp on! just sayin

Thanks for the revenue lessons fellas. However as stated before I don't mind thinking outside of the box for what looks like a solid product... I mean way back when Ford introduced the 1st Model "T" people didn't say, "No thanks we have these great horse and carriages".

Who are we to judge if a product is quality without knowing anyone who's run it or without even putting our hands on it?

I just think some are jumping the gun on this one.

I think If you own a Mopar your already thinking out side the box to go fast. If somebody wants to spend the time and $$$$ to bring us another product for us Mopar builders I'm willing to listen and look into a new product. We need more Mopar gear heads to step up to the aftermarket RACE Parts!!! We have very little out thier to choose from.
That will keep the cost down so I can go racing and just not sit in the garage and Talk on the forums all the time.. I want to see a book with every aftermarket MOPAR part out thier more than 10 pages long ...

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Just One Man's Opinion Mopar Mafia Racing