
Good Morning!!! First of all I didn't go anywhere, been here the whole time watching these threads and the nonsense being said. I'll address any questions you have, I'm not afraid, I wouldn't have put this on if I was.

I'm not trying to reinvent the wheel OR build a Chrysler front end! I simply took the after market technology on the Ford spindel & the after market GM spindel and applied it to my build. Let's face it, we never hear the Ford/Chevy guys having any problems with shake and back-up issues....do we?? So I just took something that worked and applied it to what I was building. I thought this would all be common sense, but you know what they say about common sense...it's not so COMMON! When was the last time you opened a coil over shock/ladder bar, that read MOPAR ONLY...just saying. If you have an A.R.T catalog, there is a A-Arm Front End assembly in there, that I based mine on and found to be pretty simple. They got the ackerman right, so if they're wrong, I'm wrong.

And yes, I did put this on asking for questions/comments, didn't put it out to sell, maybe some of you are confused there. Maybe if I spent more time on these forums talking about building a K Member instead of doing it, I would understand all these threads. Guess that's where I'm different, the talkers will just talk and the do-er's will just DO!!!

Well put!! As I said earlyer in this post. Glad to see someone trying to slove the Great Mopar Mystery. Yes I'm looking to buy a complete front end soon. Without trying to break the bank. Yes I have built most of my car with the help of my fellow Mopar family, but with out guys like Bobs Fab Shop and others we all would be trying to install something under our cars. Hats of to all those that are trying to give us something to install that works..

Keep up the hard work...
As far as being a part in the Click!! thats True !!!Lucky that Mopar Mafia Racing we don't care about clicks, We keep the smack down controll at the track...

6392940-SuperScamp011.JPG (314 downloads)

Just One Man's Opinion Mopar Mafia Racing