Tory, TShell, Stated, K Member, Check it out!!! He also stated he appreciates All the comments good or bad. Remember He said K Member Check it out!!

Well, as requested after checking it out the best I can through pics only.

Id say it looks pretty beefy. I like all the extra angles of reinforcement. In fact it may be more heavy duty then needed. This K Member actually looks more complicated to build then some of the others out there.

On the Whole K frame from the pics, the only thing that jumps out at me is the steering arm/balljoint combo.

It may be fine, but I cant tell how the steering arm is attached to the Ball joint portion of the tube. Is it welded to the End or does it run the Whole length??

This piece in particular has had strength problems in othe K frames here in the past. While the K frame itself looks plenty beefy, Im not to sure about this piece. "Let Vic Bloomer/SST340 show you some pics" Broken, from another unit.

I think its fine to be inquisitive of a new product. Especially of a product as important as a K Frame that does so much with front steering geometry and control.

Please excuse those who have experienced Nitemares and failures in the past with aftermarket K frames.

Dont expect people too Swoon over a New piece, Allow them to be inquisitive and cautious.

As I stated earlier, I appreciate All new products that someone is willing to take the time and expense to bring to the Mopar crowd.

Bring it on! And Tory, Thanks for asking, Check it out!! mike

Last edited by Sport440; 12/30/10 11:43 PM.