How about the awful pig 426 hemi cars that abound at car shows and at the track?....ugh...."nothing runs like a hemi"..

66 hemi charger....just a little squeak of the tires upon launch...very underwhelming...might pull high 14's....that vicious hemi power.. detuned race motors...crazy fast...the factory under rated at blah blah blah....


67 coronet r/t, fiberglass everything, pretty paint, nice to look at, all out race car with Hemi, tunnel rammed with dual dominators, HUGE roller cam, 13+compression, loudest car ever...low elevens at 122.

Makes me feel bad for them, as I am sure they would like to be running faster too. I have felt the sting of the 17 second time slip, but at least my excuse was the stock head 318 in the 71 charger.

Great reminder of how mopars gained the name Slow-Pars.

Arguing Caveat: There are many times over as many horrifyingly slow big block chevelles and 3/4 cam camaros out there, but we moparites sure like to gas about how fast our cars are compared to "brand X"