Dwayne..thats the lost art of blueprinting...
in your case your experienced eye..was keene enough to pick up on a few things that might have been missed by the untrained eye..
kudos for you to go the extra mile...it shows a concensious character..
this goes to proove when you do a set of heads its not for practice..
that guy just stumbled apon a good guy ..in this hobby..
what is it they say ?..luck is oportunity meeting prepariedness..?
really this goes along way...most of us guys use the bigger shops cause we feel we will get the job done right...
its a shame that this was work being put out and someone paid prolly good money for it.
as far as informing the offending machine shop. I would hope the owner of the engine atleast informs the shop.of the poor workmanship..
In my experience (the building trade) guys that put poor work out...wont change there ways unless the buying public reject it.
at the point in time the macninist that did this job...someone desided to let it fly...nothing came back to him...so he figured..."i guess i can skimp like this all the time...cause no one complained.".?
either way good read...thanks for the post.
makes alot of sense..
again in my trade...its hard to explain to a customer...there is a right way..and a usually more than one wrong way..the cheap way (and very often the regular/higher price) is usually one of the wrong choices..
ps. a buddy of mine had a (68 valiant)44o built by Barnett's (their machine shop is no longer) it ran low 12's
the guy that built it told my buddy it was just a 440 with the right cam...
he later put the same # cam in a junk yard 440 in a 69 dart and it ran high 14's
he couldnt figure out why it was so slow..
must have been this same deal.?

365" Iron J heads,,3480lbs best 1.39 60ft on SS springs.10.54,124 mph ...6.67 1/8th et.average 60fts 1.46 w/ small cam &.063 no2 pill tagged & insured