
I had a set of heads like that on a 273 and would barely start when I was done putting them on or any time there after. It was a teribly slow even for a 273. I eventually pulled them off when it was backfiring like crazy, from burned valves , that was when I saw how bad the valve job really was. I slapped on some 318 open chamber heads I had layin around and got tons more power from them than the closed small chamber 273s even though it should have been the other way around

I have a '69 273 Dart with 110,000 on the odometer, and it's so much faster than the '64 273 GT I have with 72,000 miles on it. The guy I got it from showed me the receipt for the hardened seats and valve job he had put on the heads, and I guess that's why the car is a total turd. It can light the tires up like crazy, but other than that, it's completely gutless, and sucks the gas like crazy. One valve kept getting loose, then I noticed the ball of the adjuster was almost completely gone. I pulled the shaft, and found that rocker had no oil hole on the shaft. Could this have been the original shaft, or did it get switched when the heads were off? I drilled the hole, sanded the shaft and rocker, installed a new adjuster and pushrod, and it's kept the adjustment ever since.