
I would have to challenge you on your statement that NOS wing car parts were "rejects".

Doug, I could write a book, (looks like I'm doing that on this post ),....I've dealt with a lot of customers, bodyshops, restoration shops over the last 2 decades, either selling them repro parts, repairing original parts, or NOS parts, or correcting other venders repro parts, assembling them, retrofiting them, etc, the list goes on,....but usually the NOS "reject" parts stand out in your memories,......last year I had a body shop in Virginia call me wanting a grille screen and attaching hardware for a NOS grille frame they had for a customers daytona, I sent the stuff, now they wanted to know how to install it,....after a few pics, it was obvious the "NOS" grille frame lacked the welded on top hidden studs, and no counterpunched holes on the bottom for the scews,....so they ended up sending me the "rejected NOS" frame for "adjustment",.........

I think I going to start documenting a photo journal dedicated to "Reject NOS wingcar" stuff,....I'll start with one of my 1969 NOS Daytona fenders, passenger side I have, that has a stamped depression for a 70 marker light, but was never cut out

LOL, I have a NOS Daytona fender with the fender scoop hole in the wrong location.
