Originally Posted by hemienvy
There are discussions about which is faster, which is easier, which is cheaper, which is.............etc, etc.

My question is: Which system will atomize the fuel better (I suspect EFI) ?

How can this be measured ? Two otherwise identical engines, one carb, one EFI, So which will produce the most power ?
Or alternately, if both engines can be adjusted to the same HP output at the same RPM, which engine will use the least fuel ?

Not sure if it's feasible (for us hotrodders) to measure unburned hydrocarbons, but that would indicate lack of fuel atomization.

Now, I read that carbs can be tuned run extremely efficiently in a certain RPM band, but likely not idle - to - peak RPM.

Of course, if the engine in question produces highest HP with a rich mixture, meaning there will be unburned hydrocarbons,
both carbs and EFI can do that, but which system can achieve that power level with a lower BSFC ?

From my understanding when Bruce Robertson aka Shrinker was still alive and posting on the Motorsport Village Forum he stated that Carbs were better because there was a constant supply of atomized fuel in the plenum as soon as the valve opened this column would fill the chamber with a homogenized mixture. With injection the injector cycles on and off to limit the amount of fuel but in so doing there will be parts of the air column which wont be completely saturated with atomized fuel leading to pockets in the chamber that are leaner that other areas.

A 5 gas analyser would tell how well the mixture is being utilized.

Its all about the quality of the mixture.

Hope this helps.