Originally Posted By Little Detroit
so if I understand you correctly everybody donated their the info of their car to you and for what reason was it again? Was it just for your own personal pleasure? It seams that you may have already violated some of their trusts, check out your own website and past posts. I assume that by personal info you relating that to car info correct? Your attitude in your post 1/28/17 @ 12:17 pm really explains the whole "Mopar God " thing and really can't get over the bloody snot rag you posted, the maturity of a 12 year old, and you expect people to take you seriously? As I said earlier I think I'll get along just fine without your help. I can see that your arrogance is leading down the same path as the other guy.

One main purpose of a registry is reuniting original items, broadcast sheets, engines, transmissions etc.

The photo was posted to show I really was sick since some doubt was apparent. I can not afford a doctor visit, so a doc's note was not in the cards. I am not over it entirely yet, but I am feeling a lot better. Thanks for your concern.

I have mentioned ways you can help yourself gain knowledge. Start with your own car. You have access to it, we do not.

I have no expectations on how people perceive me. From the amount of email I got about this thread alone though, I think that most people are quite OK with me.

You have an interesting theory, so do some research. Start with your own car with the things noted by a few here about what to look at.

Happy hunting, research is fun. scope