Originally Posted By Transamcuda
"that would truly help everybody." Actually giving up any info he has would go against his policy of not sharing registry members information.You can request a spread sheet all you want but its not going to happen. He has already answered your question but it wasn't the answer you were looking for. I didnt see where you say that all these cars were original one owner or survivor cars so how do you know that the engines are original to the cars???

"I believe you have simply lucked up on 3 cars with service replacement blocks and yes, engines were cast in bulk and not every engine was cast every week."

My thoughts exactly if what he is saying is true. This post just seems like a fishing post to get people to post or send their broadcast sheets to someone who has bad intentions in mind. Trying to fill gaps on their spread sheet so they can be the next guru.

Also the Autodynamics Challenger had a black painted top from day one. The race cars had absolutely nothing to do with the options on production line cars. The acid dipped story is true they did cut a roof off another challenger but thats where it ends. Sam Posey told me the story as well but never mentioned anything about painted roofs. The race cars and production cars were 2 completely different animals. Also the schedule for the SCCA races doesn't have anything to do with production cars.

I only have one addition to the above remarks. Regarding the Autodynamice Challenger having a black painted top from day one?? I can tell you first hand, as I live right here. John Harkness who was part of the 1970 Trans Am car team, told me face to face that the 77 car was sent out after all the modifications were made and it came back to the shop painted in Sublime Green from top to bottom. John remembered the morning Sam Posey, who lived right around the corner, came into the shop and set eyes on the car for the first time. He walked up to the car and told them he hated the color and was not going to drive the green car. While standing right nest to the car, he told them to send the car back to the paint shop and to get the awefull green out of my face. He told them to paint the top black. Now I know that Sam talks a lot about a roof being cut off a car and changed out because of acid dipping. But I do believe John Harkness and his story and really feel these two stories are being mixed up. What I am saying is that both stories may be correct?? I, like the other poster on here was just trying to get a better understanding of why there were so FEW cars with the V02 code and why Plymouth did not even offer it. I know Sam's car had no fender tags or option codes, but I was told that the SCCA cars had to have any options available that the cars were run with, including colors. NOW, that is what I was told were the SCCA rules to enter a car. So, I always thought the V02 had to be added to the Dodge cars because Sam ordered that roof to get painted black as John Harkness told me. He also said he would never forget it, because Sam was so pissed about the color. Now, on the AAR/TA website, I allowed them to post my car due to them wanting to fact find info such as this?? They even mention if anybody has any further info to let them know so they can add it to the site. So, I am a little disappointed that I am sharing this info as it was told to me directly by John Harkness (look him up) and I am being told that this is not true but the story they tell is the correct one?? We could both have correct stories. Sam was talking about cutting a roof off at the track? I was talking about the car before it ever went to the track? Hey, I have no other intention here but to try and further the history of how these cars came to be. I also asked anyone here to show me a PLYMOUTH AAR order sheet regarding the existence of the V02 option code, but nobody has come forward. I gues that sheet does not exist? I also point to a reference above that says the Plymouth line did not have as many options as Dodge. Well, if you just do a search ro a 1970 Plymouth Barricuda or Cuda with a two tome paint job, you will find numbers of them all over the puter with pictures. So the option actually did exist in the 1970 Plymouth year. That is why I am so curious as to why folks are saying it was not available. All you have to do is search V02 1970 Barricuda and push the picture icon. So, yes, I am confused as well regarding the accuracy of this information, and I do find it strange that the folks who have gathered this info will not even share it with me, who was kind enough to bring my car to the forefront when asked??? I almost feel a little slighted by the keepers of these records. I see that Galen Govier charges $250.00 if you want to talk to him for 30 minutes??? I feel like I gave me info freely and now folks are trying to make money from the info I gave up freely,, but will not help me resolve my simple question that I have been trying to resolve for years. Not that I really care, as it is what it is. So why bother collecting any info at all????