unfortunately it looks like I've been drawn into this conflict once more. Lets see if I can clear it up for you.
now which questions is it that nobody on earth could possibly answer , could it be;
1.anybody got any accurate info?
2.trying to find out why no vin on block?
3.were blocks only cast on certain dates?
4.did they cast blocks in batches?
5.can you help?
6.in other words these could be original blocks?
7.does anybody have a data base similar to the charger 500
8. would you mind sharing info with us?
9. Since you have been known for having the largest data base on T/A and AAR's and have had some ties with the Chrysler Historical Society I would like to know if you have any documentation to either support or deny any of the scenario's . and finally would it be possible for you to make a spread sheet with all the vin's for T/A's and AAR's with SPD's, decal date, and fender tag date along with casting date and whether vin is on block? I do know its a lot to ask ,but from what I have read you have the largest data base and it speed things up for everybody if you were able to share the info. thank you.
10.do you have any documentation to support your statement?
11. speculation or documentation which is it?
12. on what dates in 1970 were SCCA races held?
13. on what date did manufactures have to comply with SCCA's
application requirements?
14. does the word hypocrite come to mind?
Those are the questions I asked, which ones are impossible for anybody on earth to answer?
Now here's where this starts to get interesting to me. I've
been notified that you edited your post. It seems that you used a gentleman's name in your "original post" to prove a point. Wasn't there a statement about privacy?
"They, both Barry and Jeff, have a privacy agreement with the people that contribute."
The word Hypocrite keeps coming to mind. It seams that your standards of privacy are only in affect when it suits your needs.
While it is true that I had knowledge of the gentleman's info on his aar and had discussed it with him , and yes he did say he had a piece of the warrantee tag still attached to his block. That being said I did not say I only had info on 3 cars, I said I came across 3 that "all" had similar issues.( take notice I didn't use any names)
I have a few others but they are distant and not confirmed as of yet. It seam's that you have jumped the gun a little to defend your friend. Which tells me a little about your investigation skills.
Its amusing to me that you waited until after I post that this my last response on this subject to take your "cheap shot" at me.
As for your statement ..." There is no such thing because what you posted is something you made up" . without getting into a he said she said battle, I have this to say.
I asked for "documentation to either confirm or deny my scenario's. So I wasn't really trying to make it to my liking I just wanted proof either way. But it seams that all was not lost ,What we have realized is that there are those out there that let their EGO"S get the best of themselves and try to fill in the gaps with their opinions and disguise them as fact.
The last person that tried to pull that off has been very low keyed since it bit him in the butt.
I have noticed that 5 of my fans (sarcasm)have there own registry. Is there a pattern there?
by the way I almost .let this slip by .
I did not ask for any spreadsheet from Chrysler ,only asked if Berry had the info on all the T/A's and AAR's in a spread sheet or if would do that for all of us to see. you might want to read things over 2 or 3 times till you get right.
I hope this clears it up.