Originally Posted By 69_SIX_PACK

In this case I wonder what they did back in the day at the St Louis plant? Would have they replaced the engine and tranny as a single assembly? Just the engine? Just the short block? Restamped the VIN? Did the people involved mention what cars they were? I wouldn't mind hearing more details...its not like any of the people invloved could still work at Chrylser so there can't be any harm in telling the whole story.


The only information I can provide in some of these scenarios, is first hand information from the Employees who were involved. Like most people who work at their daily jobs, they didn't take the time to video or take pictures of every moment of their day. All they have to offer is "anecdotal hearsay" about the situations they were involved in. One of the stories told to me involved a Hemi B Body car. There was a group of people in charge of driving the cars from the St. Louis Assembly Line to the Storage Lot. Someone wrecked the Hemi while moving it to the Lot. They never knew who actually was driving the car because it was abandoned and no one admitted to being involved. He also told me about one Employee who got caught using a front loader to dump Hemi Blocks over the back fence area and coming back after hours to steal them.

The information I provided about the Truck having a new Engine installed was actually told to me by one of the guys who was in the Truck during the trip to the Daytona 500 Parade. He too did not have anyone formally "documenting" the ordeal but I have no reason to think he falsified the story. I have other Chrysler contacts who back stories such as these and claim it was almost a weekly occurrence in the way some of these cars were sold. They were not considered iconic vehicles at that time and Chrysler did what was necessary to sell them.