Originally Posted By AndyF
Originally Posted By WHITEDART
Im looking for pointers what have you guys done to get your 60ft down. I'm running caltracs and A body mono leaf ,,,sliders. I'm going to try a stiffer rear segment spring to hopefully eliminate some of the rear end rotation..is it possible to get a sub-1.20 60 foot in N/A out of this setup

If it was me I'd just hook up a go pro and shoot some suspension video. Send it to the boys at Calvert and get a pro opinion. If you have the money and you really want to hook the car up then set up a data system. Shouldn't be hard to mount up some motion sensors on the shocks as well as wheel speed, driveshat speed sensors.

Basically you have 10 pages of arguments here since you don't have any data. If you had the data then you could just tune the car and you wouldn't need 10 pages of opinions.

Such is life!
This place is like Google. It's a simple search engine. You have to wade through the BS and use something that works for you.
I've learned more about rear suspension in this post than lots of others.
Pick your poison and move on.
Not to high jack the thread but what does having a long than stock front section on Calvert split mono do?