Originally Posted By WHITEDART
Originally Posted By Monte_Smith
Originally Posted By Al_Alguire
Exacly up
That's exactly right.........we wouldn't even be having this discussion if it weren't for him trying to run wheelie bars, which exposed the spring issue. And he wouldn't be trying to run bars if the car was set up right, because you don't need them
ok I bite Monte tell me how fast have you been in 60ft N/A leaf springs.. and what where the Pacific details of this rear suspension pics would be helpful . This is what info I need ..or even pics and details of one off your friends N/A CARS. Please sir thank you.

This is exactly what I meant early on when the OP decided anyone posting an alternative to HIS thought process and understanding would have to provide bona fides.

Figure it out OP, either junk the wheelie bars, and fix the rest of the car, of just keep making the back of the spring stiffer. That's what you wanted to hear in the first place.

What I really wanted was NHRA to make PS take off the wheelie bars. The class would take less time to run, and all the heros out there would see they don't need them.

So I'll get to the real nitty gritty. If I piss you off it won't be th first time the truth hurt someone's feelings. What you really want is some one to provide you with pics and details of what you need to fix your car. My suggestion is the same as Monte and a few others. That is, start learning chassis. Spend your time and money doing the work of learning chassis. Then you will KNOW and UNDERSTAND what your car wants. It wants you to apply the torque in a slower, smoother manner. Learn learn learn.

BTW, I don't race, don't on a car and almost never go to the track. I have zero bona fides.

Just because you think it won't make it true. Horsepower is KING. To dispute this is stupid. C. Alston