I wish I could reply to each and everyone of you, but that would take too much typing on my part.. So let me just hit some of the highlites..

I already own a fast street car that we do drive on a regular basis.. I'd keep that one if we ever sell the race car..

I tend to agree with most of you... Bracket racing is really kinda boring and we get the most fun out of a heads up type race, however as Monte said.. The cost to compete in heads up classes is ridiculous and there is no way I could afford to keep up with the Jones.. (or should I say the Alguires) And.... my car is only cert for 8.50.. It would take a ton of money to lose weight and build it up for anything faster.

Most of the frustration stems from the cost we've had to endure, the lack of help from our local racers and the time it takes to get parts from vendors and lastly the amount of time it takes to have others do some work for you..

One of the bright spots in my racing career is the pic Jay posted.. That was taken at MATs on Thursday night, 3 test hits down the track and the transmission blows up.. To have all the Moparts people come rushing over to remove, rebuild and put the trans back in while I'm off acquiring parts was priceless.. It made me feel like one of the family and I cant thank each of you enough..

I guess the most concerning part of this summer break I had is I have zero interest in spectating at the races.. I've been invited to spend Thanksgiving in Vegas, invited to attend the VIP section at Pomona this week and there has been several races here local to me and something else more exciting has always come up....

I'm sure I'll get more excited as next spring rolls around, so thanks to you all for helping me sort this out in my head... Oh yeah, one more thing before I end this post..

I offered to Al that he could stay here (west coast) and race... and I'll move back east with Mrs Al for the next 3 years.. but that didnt go over too well with him... (wonder why)