Buy another car See problem solved.

If you do not have the passion to do this then in my humble opinion you need to sell and move on. Once you begin trying to justify the expense it is probably time to move on. IMO cut the losses before they get even bigger, because that is just the nature of this hobby/sport. I have watched a lot of people stick with this being somewhat miserable and always complaining about the money they spend. In my opinion they should have found a place to stay that the budget was comfortable with or just moved on. There are a large number of folks who try to keep up with the Jones's only to end up in over their heads, either financially or above their abilities only to resent the time and money they "wasted" in this sport. Most of the money spent doing this is wasted money period!!

"I am not ashamed to confess I am ignorant of what I do not know."

"It's never wrong to do the right thing"