Don, you know I had similar issues in my past - we were talking back and forth through my divorce. I got rid of everything, because I needed to at the time for money and emotional issues. Sometimes you just have to reset the clock. You took a huge step to get into this car, now you're standing at the landing wondering why it's not as high as it It took me more than a year to rediscover the car things. And currently all I do is other peoples' stuff because of $$ and time issues and the amount of stuff my own cars need. On top of that is the GF and her two teenage kids that I've grown to love. So the time allotted is way less. but I don;t care. They're just cars. Kids will only be around so long and the GF is excited for me to get back into cars and racing. So my advice is simply go with what feels right. Your feelings are the only thing that are truly yours, so go with them. if you want t oget out, get out. if you need a break, mothball the stuff. We age worse than any mechanical You love it too much to make it permanent but if it's adepressive trigger and there's not much light showing the end of a tunnel, store it and go do something you want to.

Well, art is art, isn't it? Still, on the other hand, water is water! And east is east and west is west and if you take cranberries and stew them like applesauce they taste much more like prunes than rhubarb does. Now, uh... Now you tell me what you know.